We establish partnerships and create initiatives that truly Amplify the Impact on special needs individuals and their families.
We are constantly in discussions to establish partnerships to support organizations that fulfill our mission to make a difference in the lives of special needs families and individuals throughout the Carolinas (and beyond). We take our donor contributions seriously and work diligently to ensure that every donation, initiative and charitable contribution is deployed to truly amplify the impact on special needs families in areas of need.
ClemsonLIFE is one of the leading Postsecondary Programs for Special Needs Individuals in the country. Designed for students with intellectual disabilities who desire a postsecondary experience on a college campus, the mission of ClemsonLIFE is to provide a coordinated course of study that includes career exploration and life preparation along with self-awareness, discovery, and personal improvement with the ultimate aim for ClemsonLIFE graduates to lead independent lives. Click the logo above for more info.
Current Initiatives with ClemsonLIFE
The Cooper Royall Foundation Annual Grant-in-Aid for ClemsonLIFE
This CRF grant assists one student and their family’s journey to attend the ClemsonLIFE Program each year.
Expanding ClemsonLIFE Program Size
CRF has initiated discussions with ClemsonLIFE to make an even greater impact as the Program grows it’s offerings and capacity. This involves funding additional faculty and research positions to grow enrollment and program offerings, to impact more families each year and continue CULIFE’s position as a national leader and resource for other programs.
Camp Royall is the nation’s oldest and largest autism camp, located in Pittsboro, NC and run by the Autism Society of North Carolina. The camp is a hub of year-round activity that offers a caring, accepting atmosphere in a structured environment to meet the needs of individuals with autism.
After spending time at Camp Royall, individuals show increases in confidence, independence, and a willingness to try new things. Their programs also provide needed respite for families and peace of mind that their loved one is in a safe and loving environment. Campers receive close supervision from highly trained staff; with a counselor-to-camper ratio is 1:1 or 1:2, depending on the campers’ level of need. What an incredible coincidence that the Camp shares Cooper’s middle name! Click the logo above for more info.
Current Initiatives with Camp Royall and ASNC:
Camp Royall Summer Camp Scholarships
CRF is funding two full scholarships to Camp Royall’s week long overnight summer camp.
“Cooper Royall Play Zone” at Camp Royall
CRF is currently helping to design, fund and phase a larger, more adaptive “Cooper Royall Play Zone” that will become a centerpiece of the camp. More details on design to come!
Have an idea or know an organization we should be working with? Let’s talk!