ClemsonLIFE Visit!


A couple weeks ago, we drove down to spend the day with Jeff Cogburn, Director of Development for the College of Education, to get an in-depth orientation to the facilities, programs and students that make the LIFE program special.

For those that aren’t familiar (yet!) ClemsonLIFE (Learning is for Everyone) is a post-secondary education program for young adults with intellectual disabilities that teaches employment and individual living skills. Established in 2009, LIFE has become a vital piece of the Clemson experience, not only for its students, but for the entire student body, alumi and athletic programs. It is truly yet another thing that makes Clemson such a special place. With my love for Clemson, and CRF’s mission to support post-secondary college programs, the ClemsonLIFE program has become one of our central causes:


We started with a tour of Douthit Hills, a new on-campus community where first year, upper-class and LIFE students live interspersed across seven buildings, all anchored by the Hub, that serves as a vibrant center of campus life, with retail, and dining, recreation facilities and a bookstore. What a great move by Clemson to house the LIFE in the most desirable campus housing available.

The LIFE students live in 4-bedroom apartments (three students and one on-site Independent Living Assistant, or ILA).  The ILA becomes their friend and resource for living skills outside of the classroom, reinforcing the curriculum set out by instructors. We were struck by the impact living at Douthit has on the LIFE students, and the impact that LIFE students inevitably have on their peers – life lessons all around.

Leaving Douthit, we spun around campus on the orange golf cart for a general tour (I always wondered who those people were when I was a student).  It was Katie’s first time seeing the entire campus outside of numerous gamedays so, of course, we took the obligatory photo overlooking the reflection pond and COOPER Library.  I offered Jeff my stories from the early 2000s on campus as we drove – maybe they’ll make their way into a future tour of his.

Finally, we arrived at the ClemsonLIFE academic facility, incredibly located on the ground floor of the newly named Old Main (formerly Tillman Hall). You literally walk out of their door and onto Bowman Field. Incredible.

We were under the impression that it would be a quiet Friday afternoon at LIFE central, but were pleasantly surprised to find a buzzing hub of activity!  LIFE were students gathering everywhere, hanging out with each other, their instructors, and engaging us in fun conversations around every corner.  You could feel the enthusiasm and genuine passion for life and Clemson in the air, and we must have met half of the students in just a few hours.  All of them so excited, engaging and a joy to be with.  We were blown away by the atmosphere to say the least.


We also had the opportunity to sit down with Erica Walters, the LIFE Program Manager, who took us through the program, explained the dynamics of student life, and what the program strives for after Clemson.  She was incredible and you could feel the passion that she, and her team, have for the LIFE students and their families.

A few highlights of the discussion:

  • CULIFE is the second largest student organization on campus (450 volunteers every year).

  • Independent Living and Employment Skills are central focuses of the program.

  • The curriculum is self-developed (as opposed to state mandated) and evolves year by year to meet the specific needs of the students.

  • First/second year students live on campus. Third/fourth year students who stay for the advanced program move into their own off-campus apartments.

  • 44% of LIFE graduates now live independently, nearly 3x the national average for adults with intellectual disabilities.

  • Students are given general employment training and are placed in jobs on and off-campus. The local support by companies for LIFE students is incredible.

  • 96% of all LIFE graduates had at least one paid employment position after graduation. The national average is between 14% and 34%.

  • Clemson actively advises many of the 280 similar programs around the country. They have achieved a reputation as a national leader.

  • ClemsonLIFE serves students that need more support than many of the aforementioned programs.

  • It’s all about giving the students the true college experience, with a hyperfocus on preparing them for the rest of their adult lives.

We were blown away, and it was becoming more and more apparent with every interaction that

ClemsonLIFE is benefiting the University just as much as the program is benefiting the LIFE students.  It’s what makes Clemson special, this mutual beneficial community that has been created here.


And then we were off to lunch with Qiara and Blakeley, two LIFE students, Misty, their Instructor, and Jeff. We had some incredible fun discussing their everyday lives, program resources, their jobs and fun outings they are seemingly constantly out on. Of course Cam couldn’t help but share a few stories from his time at Clemson, including eating his favorite Buffalo Fingers and Fries (we ate at TD’s).


As we left the students and headed out to grab a few tee shirts for the boys, we remarked at how touched we were to spend a day with LIFE, how incredible the program is for the development of the participants, and how great we felt that we were starting a journey to help the program thrive, however we could.

There are still areas where ClemsonLIFE could use an extra boost, to continue the momentum and take LIFE to the next level.  These include grants-in-aid, programmatic support and research support, amongst others.  As we move forward we’ll discuss where CRF can best make an impact. 

The visit only solidified our commitment to post-secondary college programs and re-ignited our love for Clemson and all that they are doing for the incredible students at ClemsonLIFE. CRF is ALL IN!


For more about ClemsonLIFE, visit:


CRF Establishes a Partnership with ClemsonLIFE!


Cooper’s Story