CRF Establishes a Partnership with Autism Society of NC & Camp Royall

More great news! The Cooper Royall Foundation has officially established a partnership with the Autism Society of North Carolina and Camp Royall.

CRF will be funding two scholarships to support attendance at Camp Royall’s week-long Summer Camp.

Additionally, CRF is currently collaborating with Camp Royall leadership to envision, design, phase and help fund a robust Adaptive Play Zone to serve as a focal element of Camp Royall.

Stay tuned as we work to transform this space for the campers!

Camp Royall is a hub of year-round activity that offers a caring, accepting atmosphere and celebrates each individual. The 133-acre camp near Pittsboro is the nation’s largest and oldest autism camp, serving thousands of people each year.

Camp Royall provides typical camp activities, in a structured environment to meet the needs of individuals with autism:

After spending time at Camp Royall, individuals show increases in confidence, independence, and a willingness to try new things. Our programs also provide needed respite for families and peace of mind that their loved one is in a safe and loving environment. Campers receive close supervision from highly trained staff; our counselor-to-camper ratio is 1:1 or 1:2, depending on the campers’ level of need.

During the summer, Camp Royall offers residential and day camp. Year-round programs include Family Fun Days, Family Camping, Mini Camps, Adult Retreats, Residential Camps and Day Camps during school breaks, Teen Retreats, and Teen Tuesday (social groups for teens).

More about Camp Royall here:

Thank you for the support. MUCH more to come!


Rich Cerretti joins CRF Board!


CRF Establishes a Partnership with ClemsonLIFE!