
2022 Annual Social Media Fundraising Campaign

Just a little bit, from a lot of people, can make a HUGE impact!

This year, we are raising donations to support Camp Royall, the Nation’s oldest and largest camp for individuals with Autism.

We are increasing our support for Camp Royall Scholarships this year, to send kids tuition free to the 2023 week long Summer Camp!!!


2020 #Coopers6for6 feature by ABC World News.

Who We’re Doing This For

The Cooper Royall Foundation

The Cooper Royall Foundation

The Cooper Royall Foundation’s mission is to “Provide Resources and Awareness to Amplify the Love and Understanding of Special Needs Families”.

We focus on pre-school, post-secondary, and lifelong family support initiatives that “wrap themselves around” traditional K-12 offerings. CRF is partnering with likeminded organizations across the region to strategize & AMPLIFY the impact on those they serve.

Autism Society of NC - Camp Royall

Camp Royall is the Nation’s oldest and largest camp for individuals with Autism - located in Pittsboro, NC.

The Cooper Royall Foundation is funding scholarships to their weeklong summer camp for Autistic campers. Additionally, CRF is envisioning, designing and supporting an enhanced Adaptive Play Zone at the camp.


ClemsonLIFE, is one of the nation’s leading post-secondary programs for young adults with Special Needs. The program focuses on teaching life and employment skills.

CRF has established a yearly grant in aid to assist one student to attend LIFE and we’re currently strategizing an initiative to grow the LIFE program’s capacity.