2nd Annual COOPER CUP

Charity Golf Tournament

Held Monday, May 2, 2022 | Cedarwood Country Club

A day of Golf, Friends & Fun that raised $100k to benefit Programs and Initiatives

for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families in the Carolinas!


Filmed and Produced by Duality Entertainment.

Featuring the 19th Hole Reception!

4:30pm - 7pm, hosted by Jack Arnold with Middle James Brews on tap.

Food, Games, Prizes and a Golf Themed Silent Auction. $25/adult (kids welcomed).



2022 Cup Sponsors

Title Sponsor:

Platinum Sponsors:

Beverage Sponsor:


Production & Video Sponsor:


Hole Sponsors:

Player Experience Sponsors:

Friends of The Cup:

Craig Belcastro

Jack Marinelli

James Waters


For more info on event or sponsorships: events@cooperroyallfoundation.org

Who We’re Playing For

The Cooper Royall Foundation

The Cooper Royall Foundation’s mission is to “Provide Resources and Awareness to Amplify the Love and Understanding of Special Needs Families”.

We focus on pre-school, post-secondary, and lifelong family support initiatives that “wrap themselves around” traditional K-12 offerings. CRF is partnering with likeminded organizations across the region to strategize & AMPLIFY the impact on those they serve.

Autism Society of NC - Camp Royall

Camp Royall is the Nation’s oldest and largest camp for individuals with Autism - located in Pittsboro, NC.

The Cooper Royall Foundation funds yearly scholarships to their weeklong summer camp for Autistic campers. Additionally, CRF is visioning and funding an Adaptive Play Zone and other strategic growth opportunities to bolster the Camp’s offerings!


INREACH provides a wide variety of services, including job training, to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their families, in the Charlotte region.

CRF is funding the INREACH puppet troupe to perform “Barnyard News” at schools across the city. The show is performed by individuals with intellectual disabilities and teaches young children about people with disabilities and inclusion.


ClemsonLIFE, is one of the nation’s leading post-secondary programs for young adults with Special Needs. The program focuses on teaching life and employment skills.

CRF funds a yearly grant in aid to assist one student to attend LIFE and has co-developed the 50 by ‘25 Initiative w/ LIFE to grow the program by 25% and create an Inclusive Certificate of Hospitality Management.